Thursday, January 24, 2019

For Tuesday: Shakespeare, The Sonnets (see below)

NOTE: The Paper #1 assignment is posted BELOW this one if you missed class on Thursday, or lost your hard copy. 

Read Sonnets 55, 59, 62, 71, 73,80, 86, 87, 91, 94, 106, 110

Answer TWO of the following:

Q1: Do you see more evidence in these sonnets of the lover's identity? Is he a fellow actor? A gentleman? Another poet? An older man? Younger? Where do we find hints of who this person is, and why his identity (as well as his sex) might make their relationship a difficult one to pursue?

Q2: In some of the earlier sonnets, we saw evidence of a love triangle between the poet, his lover, and his mistress. Now we see a fourth person enter the picture: who could this person be, and why does he pose a significant threat to the poet?(Hint: Sonnets 80, 86)

Q3: Repeating this question from the last set of questions: discuss a single line or even a word in ONE Sonnet that seems to change the meaning of the entire poem. This could be a word/line you don’t understand (or needed the help of the notes to understand); or it could be a word/line that just have multiple meanings and could be read in different ways. Explain how the word/line works in the context of the poem.

Q4: Since these poems are believed by some to be autobiographical, or confessional in nature, do we get a sense of Shakespeare’s personal philosophy or beliefs in these poems? What does he think is moral or ethical? Good and worthy? Bad and shameful? Does he strike you as judgmental or compassionate? Proud or humble? Introverted or extroverted? Etc.

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For Tuesday: The Tempest, Acts 4-5 (last questions for the class!)

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